lunes, 9 de marzo de 2009

The Solar System

Discover facts of your favorite planets!!!!!

Hi Students!!! Today we will launch to the space and we will do research about the planets in the Solar System...Do you know how many planets and what other bodies does it have??? Fasten your seatbelts and get ready to go!!!!


1. Start reading about the Solar System and answer these questions:

a. How many planets does the solar system have?
b. Are the orbits round?
c. Name the planets made of rock?Name the planets made of gas?

2. Select planet by planet and take the most impostant facts

3. After you finish reading, have some time to play knowledge games to practice and review the new information you just have got.

4. Select the one you liked the most and start doing the slides. Remeber to identify the next info: Name, distance, color, size, temperature, number of satellites or moons and special facts and select the pictures you liked the most

4. Prepare the oral report on Power Point to talk more than 3 minutes

Discover simple facts about the solar system
Select the planet you like the most
Find out about how many planets do we really have
Do research about some other celestial bodies
Have some fun by playing with the planets
Select your favorite pictures and extra information
Try to order the planet from the sun
See how much have you learned
Check the last facts for your report

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